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you are invited…

Wedding Open Days at Winkworth Farm

You are very welcome to visit Winkworth Farm at any of our Open Days. In fact, why not bring your family and friends along to see what all the fuss is about too? If you can't find a suitable date below, please make an appointment to view the venue privately, both during the week and weekends (subject to availability).


January 2025 open day - saturday 4th january (10am-2pm)

Incl. Warings Catering, Scentiments, Elite Promotions, Darren Jack Videography & Lucie Hamilton Photography

Please email our office or phone 01666823499 to book your slot.


We hold viewings on weekdays (10am-4pm) and weekends (10am-12:30pm).

Please email our office or phone 01666823499 to arrange a viewing.

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